Media literacy and its components have been a very current topic in Estonia for many years, and a lot of attention is paid to them.
This is best supported by the fact that Estonia is ranked fourth in 2023 according to the Media Literacy Index 2023 research published by Open Society Institute Sofia.
In Estonia there are numerous examples of good practices of activities and projects aimed at raising the level of media literacy of citizens of all ages. In this article, we bring you few of the examples we have researched and presented in the “Echoes of the Digital Age” research.
In an era characterized by the rapid dissemination of information through digital channels, the battle against disinformation has never been more crucial. Baltic region has not been immune to the pervasive influence of propaganda and misinformation.
To counter these threats and empower civil society organizations (CSOs) and vulnerable groups, a Digital Activism Accelerator has been initiated. Digital Activism Accelerator is the development project of non-governmental organizations, which is part of the #DigitalActivismProgram TechSoup Europe, with support from
The project is intended for non-governmental organizations in Latvia and Estonia that want to strengthen their resilience against the influence of disinformation.
Project participants have the opportunity to submit their own projects countering disinformation and receive support for project realisation (3000 EUR to 14 000 EUR).
Explore more about this initiative by checking the following link:
Tallinn University imlemented series of educational workshops for preschool teachers and staff.
Free media literacy workshops aimed at developing knowledge and skills of preschool teachers and staff members for developing and implementing educational programs and activities on topics of media literacy, with preschool youngsters.
Workshops were implemented in combination of lectures and practical activities.
Objectives of the workshops were:
Lear more about the outcomes of these workshops, by visiting the following link:
Education and Youth Board of Republic of Estonia (Haridus and Noorteamet – Harno) have created an e-course “Development of learners’ digital competence” to support the implementation of the Estonia’s learner’s digital competence model in schools. The course is intended for use in the school level and gathers learning materials, tasks and methodological instructions to achieve the evaluation criteria specified in the digital competence model.
The volume of the e-course is 30 school hours.
The course can be used as a complete solution, but also broken down by topic, both computer education, informatics, etc., and integrated into subject education. Methodical instructions for the educators are also added to each lesson, with recommendations for conducting the lesson.
The development of the e-course is based on the framework for supporting the effective learning process, or LEARNING FRAMEWORK, in order to support the effective learning and motivation, mental and physical health of learners in addition to the development of digital competence, and to emphasize the principles of copyright protection and GDPR.
You can access the course on the following link:
The youth information portal Teeviit was opened in 2018, and the youth department of the Education and Youth Board (Harno) deals with its substantive and technical organization.
The activities are financed from the national youth information budget and within the framework of the program “Involving youth at risk of exclusion and improving youth employment readiness” approved by the Minister of Education and Science and co-financed by the European Social Fund implemented by the Education and Youth Board.
Teeviit is a nationwide youth information service, the purpose of which is to provide young people aged 7-26 with high-quality and reliable information that young people can use to make choices and decisions about their lives.
Teeviit gathers and mediates information on topics related to education, learning, work, career, relationships, mental and physical health, environment and society through the website and social media channels. Information can be found in article, news, video, podcast and webcast formats.
Teeviit also presents experience and personal stories and offers about events, projects and campaigns written by young people and experts on the channels. They operate on the principle of a calendar of theme months, which has been given input by hundreds of young people from all over Estonia, and they focus on one theme area each month.
Explore the portal by following this link:
Good practices examples were collected as part of the research we have published in the beginning of this year.
To learn more about the media literacy in Estonia, check the newest research we have published as part of the project “Media and Information Literacy for climate change and environmental topics”.
Research can be accessed on this link.