Media and Information Literacy for climate change and environmental topics

Project name: Media and Information Literacy for climate change and environmental topics

Funding scheme: Erasmus+ Youth Program

Type of action: KA220 YOU – Cooperation Partnerships

Partner countries: Croatia – Portugal – Estonia

Project duration: September 2023 – December 2024

Project budget: 120.000 €

Learning Library is part of the consortium implementing the project.


The world nowadays is increasingly under pressure. Extreme events, including wildfires, floods and hurricanes, have become a frightening new normal. Hotter temperatures, air pollution and violent storms are leading to immediate, life- threatening dangers for all citizens, including difficulty breathing, malnutrition and higher risk of infectious diseases. Climate change poses a challenge to countries across the Europe and world, with news media being an important source of information on the issue. However, news media do not only cover ecological changes or climate science, but they focus predominantly on the societal dimension of climate change: they emphasize how humans are aware of, affected by, battle, or cause climate change.


Digital technologies have made news media truly ubiquitous. Whether originated in established publishers or created by users, media content permeates and informs every aspect of our life. Yet, in order to make the most of the wealth of content available to them, people need to be able to make out what they wish from what they don’t, what is suitable from what isn’t. They need a chart and a compass to reap the rewards and fight off the risks of navigating an ocean which looks alluring and forbidding at the same time.


‘Disinformation’, ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’ are terms that have become commonplace in contemporary public debates. The terms are, ultimately, modern parlance for perennial phenomena such as propaganda and conspiracy theories. The advent of, and broad access to, digital technologies and the internet provide school students with far more access to information than any previous generation. Yet, they can also generate “powerful echo chambers for disinformation campaigns” (European Commission, 2018).


Project objectives:

  1. Improve and raise existing capacities of project partners for development, implementation, evaluation and further improvement of activities and projects on topics of media literacy and media literacy in green topics; through active involvement of each partner in research, educational materials development, and training of educators activities of the project.

  2. Collect comprehensive data on youth’s media and information literacy in green topics from Croatia, Portugal and Estonia through involvement of at least 450 young people from 3 countries in the research and through analysing existing reports and data on the topics; resulting in qualitative and quantitative analysis of data and publishing study report which will be used as a valuable material for future activities of the project consortium and networks in which consortium’s partners are actively participating.

  3. Develop educational toolkit for youth workers and educators to work on activities focused at educating young people on how to consume media content qualitatively and safely, especially media content related to green topics; and ensure practical use of the toolkit through day-to-day activities and work of partners and through sharing the developed toolkit within networks of project partners.

  4. Raise knowledge and skills of at least 300 young people from Croatia, Estonia and Portugal in media literacy and media literacy in green topics; through their participation in interactive online learning course throughout the project implementation.

  5. Raise knowledge and skills of 15 youth workers and educators from partner organisations for developing, implementing and evaluating local-level activities aimed at raising knowledge and skills of youngsters in media and information literacy in green topics; through active involvement in training course and local dissemination conferences.

  6. Engage in intensive dissemination and exploitation activities of developed outputs (research, toolkit, online learning course) and reach at least 20 organisations, 200 youth workers, 500 young people, not directly involved in the project activities; through online dissemination activities and local dissemination conferences in Croatia, Estonia and Portugal.

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